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Writer's pictureThe Brave Way

Drawing in money is inevitable

I remember what it was like when I was in hustle-mode without the time and money freedom I have now: Long days and sleepless nights.

It was like all I could think about was making more money.

And of course, making more money is a goal for us all, no matter how you’d choose to use it.

But when it consumes you from when you wake up worried about the day’s money-making tasks to when you’re laying in bed worrying about tomorrow’s money-making tasks, it becomes overwhelming. Not just for you, but for your family too.

Your kids, your spouse, your friends, they all want to spend quality time with you. Yet when money is the priority, and it overwhelms your life, they don’t get that time.

So here’s your reminder this holiday season to remember that: more money is always coming to you. You’ve already proven that.

No one can tell you otherwise.

If you need proof, just look over the last year and even the last 5 years or more. Your growth is inevitable. Drawing in money is inevitable.

If you find it hard to release the money-mind while you’re doing something else, simply use the Law of Assumption: what you assume to be true is what will manifest.

Silence the inner critic by remembering this law.

And take some extra time this year, regardless of what holidays you celebrate, to spend a little more time with your loved ones. Enjoy the holiday season instead of just surviving it or using it for business.

You’re powerful. You’re magnetic. You’re exactly where you need to be.

And in the coming weeks, we’ll be diving more into Human Design to show you how being completely and unapologetically yourself is the most powerful thing you can do to attract and maintain more wealth.

Happy Holidays!

Be well, Be wealthy!

For all my fellow skimmers😁 today’s love note is about moving through the holiday hustle.

Want to join me in Italy in April? Click here for a sneak peek & more info. (By the way, for those that have reached out about the 2023 Goddess Tour, Comment below and I’ll put you on a waitlist for more information.❤️)

P.S. If you feel called to explore how embodying your human design shifts money blocks and allows for alignment, getting off the hamster wheel & prosperity with ease in your business, let’s do a private reading!

P.P.S. Can I feature you? I’m always looking for amazing female entrepreneurs to showcase and chat with on my Wealthy Woman By Design tv show! My guests and I have a ball while diving into your business, your money story and how embodying your human design has impacted your success! Comment to be a guest!



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