First and foremost, Happy National Brave Day! I encounter so many beautiful women who are showing up in their lives in courageous ways no matter the circumstances and I celebrate you today. I celebrate us.
This week has been nothing short of phenomenal. Yesterday I spent a majority of my day on Capitol Hill meeting with Senators and Congress regarding initiatives on behalf of the American Lung Association. Being in this line of advocacy mirrors the service I strive to serve in The Brave Way and my heart was left completely full being able to operate in this manner.
This has been the culmination of a number of weeks of ups and downs. More downs than ups rather.
You all know because I shared my story with you for the past few months. When it comes to the root center of our human design in all of that, remember that the root center is about the pressure to take action.
The pressure to do it.
And they were many days after the passing of my grandmother when I didn’t feel like doing much.
There were many days BEFORE the passing of my grandmother when I was experiencing the dark night of the soul that I didn’t feel like doing much, yet I felt such pressure to remain in motion.
What I was able to do was shift that from an “I should be doing this” to “this is what I’m ABLE to do today”. Whether that meant being in meditation. Or simply minding my energy minute to minute to stay in at least a neutral state so that I didn’t go into negative frequencies.
Throughout all of this, I have been blessed with synchronicities and serendipities that remind me how good life gets to be.
I’ve been surrounded by people who refuel me and make me ugly laugh. I had the powerhouse Cassie Howard on my Wealthy Woman by Design show, and I am still in awe of what a lovely presence this 8 figure trailblazer has and how she blessed my show.
I’ve been able to follow the path of least resistance to this point as I continue to be cracked open to the newer version of myself that is still revealing itself to me.
I have a new podcast coming that I’ll be sharing with you soon and we are going to see what this next chapter brings. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend, and we will talk soon!
Sending so much love to all of you!
If there's anything you’d like for me to cover more of in the newsletter, please let me know! Be well! Be wealthy!
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