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Writer's pictureThe Brave Way

Happy (Rave) New Year!

Hey family!

If you’ve been wanting a “new year” re-do, here’s your chance! This weekend marks the Rave Mandala New Year, when the sun finally enters into Gate 41 and starts the Rave Mandala over again aka Human Design New Year.

We've been discussing preparing for this energy all month, and it's finally hereeeee!

This is why we've taken a dive into reflecting over our past year and forgiving anything we've held onto.

This is why we've talked about getting ready to take that inspired action and make moves to help those beautiful goals manifest.

This is why we've been visualizing our sacred desires and seeing what it would feel like after they have manifested.

The time to embody our wealth codes is now! Are you ready to take that action goddess?

So, "What's the Rave New Year, Tierra?" Glad you asked! It's the time we actually FEEL like a new person, not when we're told to feel like it's a new year (read that again👀).

It's time for us to feel like our personal energy has finally cycled through and left behind the past year's challenges and obstacles and any other lingering energies.

You may have made commitments and investments recently (maybe even this week) because you feel like you're on the verge of something big…

And the good news is that you are!

Welcome all of your energy into 20-money-3 where your energy blocks are being shifted to allow the wealthy woman to come through.

It's time to FEEL like this year is your year because it is! Do you feel it? Do you feel like you're an empowered woman who's taking charge of her life, money flow and energy?

Let’s step into this frequency consciously! How do you feel when you’re at your best? Stand up and feel into that vision! (I'm serious!)

Get out of your chair, out of that stagnant energy, and allow yourself to be bold, confident, and unbothered about who sees you do this!!

Now… how do you feel? Because if you did that, I guarantee you feel like the divine goddess without limits. And that's exactly who you are.

Today, take a step forward towards the desires you’re calling in for yourself. No matter how "small" the step may seem.

It could be checking your bank account and being proud of the number there. It could be making that post on social media to promote your business. It could even be putting your notifications on silent for the rest of the day to spend some quality time with family.

Whatever an achievable step is, do it today.

No excuses. No "wait til later". Do it today. Do it as soon as possible.

Annnd, this “new” year is considered the “year of the rabbit” aka longevity, prosperity, hope and peace!

So if you are ready to get your energy AND power back in 2023 while setting your visions, upgrading your habits, amplifying your joy and experiencing passion in life that you deserve, make sure to check out the upcoming Transformation in Tuscany retreat.

Be well, Be wealthy!

For all my fellow skimmers😁 today’s love note tells you why you need to give yourself permission to celebrate the upcoming Human Design New Year!

P.S. If you feel called to explore how embodying your human design shifts money blocks and allows for alignment, getting off the hamster wheel & prosperity with ease in your life & business, let’s do a private reading!

P.P.S. Can I feature you? I’m always looking for amazing female entrepreneurs to showcase and chat with on my Wealthy Woman By Design tv show! My guests and I have a ball while diving into your business, your money story and how embodying your human design has impacted your success! Comment below to be a guest!

Sabotaging money flow into your life? Grab your fr$$ copy of Stop Money Sabotage & learn how to use your human design to stop sabotaging habits while building trust with money.


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