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Writer's pictureThe Brave Way

The Month of Love Is Here!

And I'm not just talking about romantic love (although there is MUCH to be said about healing from past romantic experiences).

Let's talk about self love and how loving yourself is enough to bring clarity AND currency to your life.

When we talk about manifesting more in our lives, there's a resistance that can pop up that usually sounds like…

"I have to work harder"

"I need to be better"

"I need to discipline myself to make it happen"

"If only I was better, more stable, further ahead…"

Because we're high achievers and we've worked for everything we have, we think we need to "do" something or "be" something more than we already are in order to manifest more.

But we don't.

There's a point where large strides aren't what makes shifts happen.

Shifts can happen from even the seemingly smallest tweaks.

Like posting one piece of content for your business today. It seems like a small tweak, a small action.

But day after day, taking that one action will compound into a large shift.

Where we get tripped up, we think too far ahead and get ahead of ourselves. One post turns into "how can I keep this up consistently?"

Then we try to plan it out and we end up using all our energy just planning. And we borrow from tomorrow's energy to do the rest of the tasks we need to do today. (This was me trying to figure TikTok out btw).

But what if just doing that one post, that one action, was enough?

What if we let it be enough that we sat in the moment and just let ourselves be?

Again, it seems like a small act, but it's actually an act of self love.

Every moment you are present with yourself, without rushing to the future or reprimanding yourself for the past, is a moment of showing yourself that you are enough.

And when you're still in these moments, your energy is clear, there's nothing blocking your money from coming in.

There's no self sabotage because you're simply sitting in the now.

There's no rushed energy towards "I need to get it done today."

It's just you sitting in acceptance of where you're at. Know this. You don’t have to DO more to HAVE more.

Try this out today, see how it feels. Watch your mind start rushing forwards or back. Get the clarity that comes from being in the present. And see what emotions pop up too.

It'll feel harder at first, because your energy isn't used to this presence, but your being will thank you!

I tap into this grounding energy and clarity in the new Understanding Your Human Design: Purpose, Passion & Prosperity Masterclass that comes out today!

For those of you ready to know your purpose beyond a shadow of a doubt and align with your passions for more prosperity in your life, this masterclass is a must watch!

Please reply to this email and let me know what you think!

Be well, Be wealthy!

For all my fellow skimmers😁 today’s love note dives into the REAL law of attraction-LOVE! And the Understanding Your Human Design: Purpose, Passion & Prosperity Masterclass drops today so if you want clarity around your purpose and/or which passions to pursue for more money flow, you definitely want to watch it!

P.S. If you feel called to explore how embodying your human design shifts money blocks and allows for alignment, getting off the hamster wheel & prosperity with ease in your life & business, let’s do a private reading!

P.P.S. Can I feature you? I’m always looking for amazing female entrepreneurs to showcase and chat with on my Wealthy Woman By Design tv show! My guests and I have a ball while diving into your business, your money story and how embodying your human design has impacted your success! Comment below to be a guest!

Sabotaging money flow into your life? Grab your fr$$ copy of Stop Money Sabotage & learn how to use your human design to stop sabotaging habits while building trust with money.


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